سعید سالاری-تاریخ توسعه پسااستعماری

It is necessary to wait for some time and take a more general look at the trajectory of our life or if we were more willing at the trajectory of the lives along with a philosophical reflection, maybe a sort of philosophy on life history. With the main question that what are we doing? Where have we stood in our life and in the history of life? How much are we made up by our pure ideas and how much by the public imported ones? What are the effects of the imported phenomena on the psyche and the structure of our life?

It is enough, at the minimum look, to choose a subject or a phenomenon and then measure its ratio and the volume of its impact on our lives. For example, Materialism, not the one that deals with the rejection of the spiritual truth, A kind that ,in more pragmatic mood devours immaterial parts like religion, morality and the sublime art and then exports in a materialistic form.

A part of it may well be seen and under the systematic consumerism is recognized to the public. Perhaps In a simple and tangible words: "You want to buy cars and houses and castles, all of that's on you and how America has systematized your mind to be into materialism."

And of course, being systematic become thinkable, because you need to pause and align your energy and your thoughts or need to change the route of your thinking, you should know that you are in front of a powerful system. A system that its Ideas and tastes have been tattooed all over your body and your mind, and its thoughts flow on your tongue.

Famous Mitt Romney's father gives the crisis serious attention and believes we need to block it by a strong leader and perhaps a mighty movement to bring back the spiritual values and to remove the materialism and its affiliates such as the excessive selfishness and the modern immoralities.
It is upsetting that despite the fixed range of human lifetime, regardless of the events corresponding to each era, the speed rate of the growing materialism and its penetration into the lives and the community have increased several times. Maybe similar to the speech of Billy Graham it can be known like a forced emigration from temple to the matter. By this separation, what that remains is self-alienation, to the extent that after a period of time the peace be continuously sacrificed for the anxiety.

At the same time, you are able to establish a struggle on the opposite line, you don't need to go directly into the battle, and it is enough to add other things to your program, or drag a part of your materialism to the different direction, for instance altruism and helping the needy families. It means that buy a material but change the place of using from your home to another one; by this, beyond the creation of spirituality, indirectly you have gone to the war of consumerism.
And let's not forget that if this is accompanied by the awareness of the young generation as if we kill two birds with one stone. And thus we have prepared some minds for the future history that from now they have learned the fight against the materialism and consumerism as one of its outcomes, because according to Soyinka it should be remembered that" We live in a materialist world, and materialism appeals so strongly to humanity, no matter where."

Materialism, not by violence and hardship that comes with temptation, but the consequence is not other than trouble, since the attainment of the matter throughout the history of life has been along with hardship, and this is of course due to the nature of the matter. It must be understood that the tranquility is a spiritual subject and this is what we seek in every time and every aspect of our life and it is the fact that brings with itself happiness. But unfortunately, a type of historical determinism has changed the place of means and goals and by taking advantage of the "Fear" taken away the possibility of rethinking from us.

And the Media, as well, like a pair of glasses with iron glass only shows us a wall of advertising. A branch of modern slavery can be found here. Sionil Jose believes that" We are shallow because we have become enslaved by gross materialism, the glitter of gold and its equivalents, for which reason we think that only the material goods of this earth can satisfy us and we must therefore grab as much as can while we are able."

Human is Matter's Slave! The result of this speech. There is no need to think about that, we all are experiencing. Among these, what is worrying is the materialistic dangerous covering on the light of wisdom, as Sheldrake stated in this regard:" Contemporary science is based on the philosophy of materialism, which claims that all reality is material or physical."

The method for confronting is also from the type of Meaning: Rethinking in the philosophy of our life history. Asking basic questions of our goals in addition to philosophical reading of past events of the life and the correct positioning of the current location.

*Ph.D. Student of History and Researcher in Philosophy of history

سعید سالاری*

این بار رسانه ملی اولین قسمت از یک برنامه نو و مرزشکن را به روی آنتن می برد؛ اثری جذاب و خوش ایده. مردمانی صاحب قصه از سراسر جهان در جلوی دوربین حاضر می شوند و برایمان قصه هایی واقعی تعریف می کنند. قصه هایی واقعی از سرگذشت پر ماجرای زندگی خودشان.

شنیدن قصه لذتی دارد که از کودکی با آن خو گرفته ایم. کنجکاوی نسبت به محیط اطراف و جهان خارج نیز در نهاد و نهان هر کداممان قرار دارد. فرای آن لذت خوانش تاریخ و بویژه تاریخ سرزمین های دیگر، خود شوری دو چندان در ذهن و خیال آدمی براه می اندازد. هرچند گذر زمان که همه چیز را متحول کرد، تاریخ نویسی و تاریخ خوانی و از همه مهم تر موضوعات تاریخی را نیز مورد لطف خود قرار دارد.

در عصر جدید معنایی ندارد گه بگوییم تاریخ را فاتحان می نویسند. تاریخِ حاکمان و سردمداران نیز عظمت سابق را ندارد. دیگر، مخاطبانِ تاریخ صنف خاصی نیستند، چه به شمار اشخاص و اندیشه ها و علایق،  موضوعات تاریخی وجود دارد.

امروزه تاریخ را زنده ها می نویسند. شاید هم ننویسند نشان دهند و بگویند. اصلا "تاریخ شفاهی" و "تاریخ چندرسانه ای" و دیگر سبک های نو تاریخ پردازی برای همین، نقاب از رخ بر کشیدند. شعار همگی هم این است: هر انسانی می تواند یک مورخ باشد. قصه زندگی خود را بگوید، همراه با بیان شرایط و اسباب و علل رویداد های زندگی اش. البته ضرورتی نیست چون مورخی تحلیلی کار کند، می تواند مورخی باشد از دسته رویدادنگاران و تحلیل و ریشه یابی را به مستمعین بسپارد.

به "همقصه" باز گردیم، آری این برنامه تلویزیونی انسان های نادیده و پر ماجرای گوشه و کنار این گیتی را دعوت می کند تا داستان زندگی خویش و تحولات آن را برایمان بازگو کنند.

ایده اش را نمی دانم از کجا آمده، لیکن جایی خوانده بودم که فرزانه ای صاحب عنوان، چند دهه پیش به شماری از تاریخ دوستان توصیه کرد که تاریخ را از "زبان توده ها" و با صوت و تصویر ارائه دهند. شاید از اینجا آمده.

ویژگی دیگر این برنامه که می تواند من و شما، یعنی ما مخاطبان ایرانی را بیش از برنامه های دیگر به خود جلب کند، مجری آن است. آقای مجری که خود از تبار همان "فرامرزی های جهان دیده" و البته جوانسال است، خود را در صفحه اجتماعیش اینگونه شناسانده:

"زاده ایران کوچک [کشمیر] و اکنون ساکن ایران بزرگ"

از دسته چند زبانِ هایی است که قاره های گونه گونی را به شوق رساندن پیام صلح و عدالت ایرانیان پیموده، هرچند این ویژگی از خودش نیست، آن را از پدر به ارث برده، همو که سالیانی پیش به اشتیاق دو چندان از کشمیر بدین سرزمین پای گذارد و تا سال پیش که در جوار کعبه از دنیا رفت، در همت ترجمهِ صدای حق خواهی ایرانیان  به پاره هایی دیگر از جهان ،چیزی کم نگذاشت.

این برنامه هدف روشنی دارد، هدفش را از پاره نوشته های پیش از پخش آن می توان دریافت، رساندن صدا و قصه زندگی ملت ها به گوش هم. بدور از مجرا و رهگذر دولت ها.

برای درک این سخن خوب است نگاهی زبان شناسانه داشته باشیم. در زبان انگلیسی واژه ترکیبی            inter-nation-al  بدرستی به کلمه ایرانی بین المللی ترجمه و به نادرستی به رفتارهای بین دولت ها اطلاق می شود، بی توجه به پیوند و همزیستی ملت ها. این را "سرباز روح الله رضوی" یا همان آقای مجری همقصه در صفحه خود آورده. بدین سان همقصه می کوشد تا برنامه ای بین المللی باشد و نه بین الدولی.

کلام فرجامین اینکه آخرشب های سه شنبه خود را برای تماشای قصه ای نو آن هم از شبکه یک خالی کنید. این همقصگی فارغ از ی حس کنجکاوی و نوع دوستی، همچون یک کلاس حرفه ای می تواند دید شما به جهان و زندگی را عوض کند، اگر با خودتان صادق باشید شاید کار و فعالیتتان در هر زمینه ای را سمت و سویی نو دهد. همقصه کتابی است برای دریافت انگیزه ای زیبا در کنار دانستن نادانسته ها و طلب لذت ماجراجویانه زیر این گنبد کبود.


چرا همقصه را باید دید/تاریخ زندگی از زبان توده ها

*دانشجوی دکتری تاریخ و تمدن ملل اسلامی

Saeed Salari

Authoritative Historical Books are essential to learning and reading in analytical classrooms, but in the current learning environments, texts become a core for schoolroom argumentation, hypothesis making and deeper comprehension. And as you conform to the new process of change in the understanding of your new students, the remaking aspect of history reading in your classroom can run a requisite ingredient for your students' success. Now, if you are impatient to implement this strategy, follow the steps:

A. Find historical books that aid hypothesis making with their alight and valid descriptions. Your educational system doesn't halt at storytelling technique of history teaching- but rather; encourages pupils to think and interpret deeply and attentively about significant and historic contents. By finding book that is chiefly aimed to promote hypothetical mind, you present your students an upper hand on their programs.

B.  Plan your strategy before talking about historical episode. Talking about historical events is an educated way to encourage pupils to get into contact and find hypothesis- but in order for your children to get the most out of your argumentations, make sure there's a systematic frame to your book. Print out a teaching sketch or map out the question sheet you're going to ask before you start talking so that you can drag your pupils toward challenging mind.

C. Classify historical resources. Aid your pupils to find main points of connection among momentous fragments of an event or a period by grouping the sources in your class. For instance, put a bunch of specified monographs next to books of homogeneous event in another time period.

D.  Fill your educational environment with sources that boost the imaginary element like future studies, sci-fi literature, art and music so that your children gain comprehensive understanding about all aspects of a problem and its outcomes while also gaining fruitful reading comprehension skills.

Ph.D. Student in History and Civilization, Tehran University 


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